City Of Hopewell, Virginia — Reckless Driving Attorney Case Result

Reckless Driving conviction for speeding 91 MPH in a 70 MPH zone was appealed to the Circuit Court, and the charge was REDUCED to Improper Driving on appeal.  Unlike Reckless Driving, which is a misdemeanor charge that carries six (6) demerit points on a driving record for eleven (11) years, Improper Driving is a traffic infraction which carries three (3) demerit points on a driving record for three (3) years.

Read more about Reckless Driving by Speed under the Virginia Code here: § 46.2-862. Exceeding speed limit (

Read more about Virginia DMV Six Point Violations here: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

Read more about the Improper Driving Statute under the Virginia Code here: § 46.2-869. Improper driving; penalty (

Read more about Virginia DMV Three Point Violations here: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.